Since my little girl started to watch Disney Princesses movies, everything in her imagination is about her being a princess. Of course, Mom's the Queen, Paps is the King, and Kuya is the Prince.
She sleeps in pajamas but still has a crown on her head 😉
Are we annoyed? Nope.
We enjoy it too.
We love how she sings like Mulan. How she turns gracefully like Belle.
Her favorite? Either Princess Ana or Rapunzel. Hmm.. Not quite sure about that. But she loves every princess she knows. Even the little Vanellope in Wreck It Ralph 👍
We sing every soundtrack. We watch the movies all over again and again. We portray each character whenever the little girl wishes us to. Story telling when it's bedtime. And more.
When I was a kid, I was into princesses too. Who's not, right? Every little girl wishes to be like Cinderella, or Snow White, or Jasmin and ride the magic carpet.
I dreamed wearing those beautiful gowns and shoes too. I dreamed living in a castle. I dreamed I was being treated like a real princess. I dreamed of having a dad too.
We cannot afford to grant everything our kids wishes, but we make sure we are with them when they dream. We sing together. We dance together. Movie marathon with Disney Princesses movies.
And make them feel, they are our Prince and Princess in our beautiful castle.
Each kid has a dream. Parents should support them.
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